Sunday, July 11, 2010

Something of importance....

The following blog is about our physical and spiritual wellness.

     I heard the following story on the radio this morning as I was driving on I-86 westbound:

    "It was during a family vacation to Yellowstone Park and my young daughter and I were walking on one of the many boardwalks that take you along the boiling pools in the park. As we walked along my daughter suddenly moved to the very edge of the boardwalk and began a precarious balancing act along that edge. It suddenly occurred to me that this was a perfect teaching moment. I asked my daughter if she knew what she was doing; she replied yes, balancing on the edge was fun. I then told her that her balancing act was putting her in possible harms way. As with most youth this did not deter her a bit as she assumed she could handle it. I then told her this was much like the people in the world who walked the edge of spiritual safety, barely on the path of safety and getting a thrill by almost being in danger, and not aware that one misstep or bump along the way would have them completely off the boardwalk. As this did not impress her I casually moved over to her and then gave her a slight bump that pushed her off the boardwalk onto the ground next to a pool. She was startled and looked around then quickly regained the path. She gave me one of those looks, and then I asked her how she had felt off the boardwalk? She thought a minute then said she was fearful of the immediate danger and also knew it was illegal for her to be off the path. I then explained this is what can happen it one treads the edge of their spiritual path of safety. If you walk on the edge be assured that Satan walks with you and when, not if!, the time is right he will give you a slight nudge to put you off that path. I explained to her that by her sure knowledge of the physical danger here in Yellowstone she knew to regain the path immediately. And also, hopefully, by her sure knowledge of the worldly dangers to her spiritual self she would also know that treading the that edge would also lead to a far more deadly danger. She thought this all over and as we continued down the paths I noticed that she no longer balanced on the edge but rather stayed to the middle in safety."

    I do not post this to cast any aspersions; nor do I EVER judge anyone else save myself. I find myself with at least one foot off the spiritual path of safety at this time in my life and know what I need to get back on that boardwalk! I hope that this message will simply make you pause and consider what is ahead in your life, both here and later.


Geri said...

Chris, if you look at it, life is nothing but one BIG balancing act. We are constantly having to make choices that may alter our lives for the better or for the worse. We can only hope that we make the right ones and be forgiven for the wrong ones.

Judy's Corner said...

You know, there are times, in my opinion, when we are not even aware how close we are coming to that edge...

Nice, thought provoking post.